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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Happy Sunday! Today I am going to work on an author review and compile notes from an interview I conducted last week. I hope to publish both via Wikinut this week. What have you been up to?

I am also competing in the HotTopic Howarts Sweepstakes. I feel I have less than zero chance of winning, but it also gives me something to tweet daily, so what the heck. And there's always a chance HotTopic will take pity on my son due to his lame mother and pay for us to go to Florida.

Beyond that, I am doing a little job hunting. I am getting laundry done. Sean got me some Monkey Hooks and I'm putting "stuff" on the walls. Fairies came and did the dishes. I switched out kitchen tables for one that is a little shorter, wider, and its legs don't fold.

I am endeavoring to make a list of things I've done, rather than things to do, since the latter depresses me and then I get nothing done. Last week I had a wonderful breakfast with JR and helped my brother move into his dorm. I still haven't tried to hook up and use my sewing machine or decided how best to sort the stuff out in the garage, but that's why I'm making the list of "I did" rather than "I need to." The former makes me feel accomplished.

I am going to try to be better about using my social media outlets. A tweet a day, a blog post a week, and a Wikinut article every other day I think are manageable goals, whether I find a job or not. This week, I'm going to follow up on a lovely reply email I received Friday night and attend a ribbon cutting ceremony for a new publishing house here in NWA. Maybe pass out some business cards. I think they're lovely. TTYL!

Technology and Times Are A Changin'

Technology astounds me. To the equally unenlightened, I am a pro. I can schedule posts on my FB author page. I am FB addicted, and can comment, like, share -- all the important stuff. I can even share pictures. I have created websites for myself for over a decade. Until two years ago, everything I created on the internet was free.

These days, the more I pay, the less I understand. I realize that as an author, marketing and getting word of my written words out there are very important. Yet I long for a chance to return to the days where I got more than I paid for. Where I could create pages and attract Russian followers out of the ether -- where the greatest number of emails assuring me of my African fortune were actually generated by American SPAM artists.

Those days are not these days. And so, as I navigate Blogger, yet another new site to try to bring better life to Author, Mother, Dreamer on my GoDaddy page, I hope you will bear with me for what can only promise to be a bumpy ride riddled with chances for education and frustration. And if above all these things, I can share my opinions and fiction -- and maybe even sell some books -- hopefully not all will be lost.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Argh! How frustrating! I thought I had published my first post a month ago -- but neglected to hit "publish" (I guess), and it ended up in drafts. Logging into these sites to make changes is a PITA. And if I'm just writing for myself, well, it's hardly worth the effort of Spellcheck, now, isn't it?

But if you're here and wanting the latest -- perhaps you have stumbled upon this blog by accident, here are places where I post more, better, and more frequently:

FB: Phyl Campbell Author Page
Wikinut: Phyl Campbell Profile Page

In addition, all my books can be found on They include Mother Confessor (1&2), The Carley Patrol, and Martha's Chickens & the Pirates.

Thanks for checking it out! I hope you find something to enjoy!