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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Technology and Times Are A Changin'

Technology astounds me. To the equally unenlightened, I am a pro. I can schedule posts on my FB author page. I am FB addicted, and can comment, like, share -- all the important stuff. I can even share pictures. I have created websites for myself for over a decade. Until two years ago, everything I created on the internet was free.

These days, the more I pay, the less I understand. I realize that as an author, marketing and getting word of my written words out there are very important. Yet I long for a chance to return to the days where I got more than I paid for. Where I could create pages and attract Russian followers out of the ether -- where the greatest number of emails assuring me of my African fortune were actually generated by American SPAM artists.

Those days are not these days. And so, as I navigate Blogger, yet another new site to try to bring better life to Author, Mother, Dreamer on my GoDaddy page, I hope you will bear with me for what can only promise to be a bumpy ride riddled with chances for education and frustration. And if above all these things, I can share my opinions and fiction -- and maybe even sell some books -- hopefully not all will be lost.

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